Just like any other business, targeting your market is all about knowing exactly how to communicate with them. What do they find interesting? What is important to them? If you have the answers to these questions, then you’re a step closer to reaching your market.
Now most of those in the travel and tours industry believe that effectively marketing their audience only revolves in offering airfare sales. To some extent, yes, that is definitely one way to entice your market to travel with you but you can’t always hold promos, right? If you want to learn how to attract clients to make their dream vacations a reality with your agency besides just lowering price, then read on.
You see, there are four important traveler’s moments you need to be a part of. Once you know what these are, you can finally come up with content that will perfectly send your message across that you are the travel partner they should trust.
Here are those travel moments:
Dreaming Moments
Your market’s desire to get away. If there is one thing you can be sure of, it’s that these people travel to get away, whether it’s from the daily hustle and bustle of the metropolis or the demands of a difficult job, your market finds travelling a sort of sweet escape. For this particular moment, you can make an impact by providing them content designed to help them decide on where to go next. Going for articles and newsletters focused on dream vacations and best holiday travel destinations will definitely get you on their radar.

Planning Moments
Your market’s preparation for the trip. Once they finally have a destination in mind, your market will surely start researching all they can about that particular place. From tourist spots and local cuisine to climate and available accommodation, rest assured that a traveler will do some studying to prepare themselves for the trip. If you are offering an allinclusive tour in a particular destination, then it’s best to provide your market everything they need to know to plan the perfect trip there.

Booking Moments
Your market’s ready to book. So your market is done picking a destination and researching about it, this is right about the time they start looking for the most convenient way to book. If you have an online booking system, best to do a user test to make sure every process in the system works smoothly because if your client encounters even just one hindrance, your chance of being their preferred travel and tours agency drops immediately. On the other hand, always keep your contact details readily available for no matter how convenient booking is online, there’s still a portion of the market who prefers to talk to a travel agent.

Experiencing Moments
Your market’s looking to maximize their stay Vacations are called as such because they are short and sweet so take our word when we say that your market wants to do the best they can to maximize the little they have on their dream vacation destination. Help them achieve this goal by proposing set itineraries and giving them advice on what to see, where to go, what to eat, where to stay, what to do, and how to get around their preferred destination. Remember, you want to build a relationship with your client and helping them in their travels is the best way to turn them from a new customer to a loyal one.