DOT Welcomes Lifting of Travel Ban For Outbound Passengers

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18 March 2020

The Department of Tourism (DOT) welcomed the decision of the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) to lift the 72-hour window for individuals departing overseas.

DOT coordinated with the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Labor and Employments to provide the joint guidelines for the lifting of the ban.

OFWs, Balikbayans, and foreign nationals will be allowed to leave at any time during the Enhanced Community Quarantine in Luzon, provided they travel only to the airport within 24 hours of the date and time of their departure. Outgoing passengers must provide documents of their departure, such as an electronic ticket or flight itinerary.

Filipino citizens are strictly not allowed to take outbound international flight to countries where travel restrictions are in place. 

Outbound passengers may be accompanied only by one companion/driver to and from the airport, who shall likewise carry a copy of such e-ticket or itinerary. 

Select Hotels To Remain Open

Hotels and similar establishments shall remain closed under the guidelines of the Luzon-wide enhanced community quarantine, except for the following: 

1. those with foreign guests that have existing booking accommodations as of March 17, 2020;

2.those with checked-in guests on long-term leases; 

3.those accommodating employees from exempted establishments under the provisions of the March 16, 2020 Memorandum from the Executive secretary.

Hotels and similar establishments except for those classified in #3 above are not allowed to accept new bookings.

Assistance to All Tourists

The DOT has created a Tourism Airport Team to provide 24-hour service to tourists at airport including assistance in arranging flights, securing bookings, transportation, meals and accommodation. DOT is in close collaboration with local government unit (LGU) officers, local airport staff and the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) for this effort.

The Regional Offices of DOT have been proactive in informing tourism stakeholders such as hotels, island resorts, tour operators and local government units to communicate the intensified travel restrictions of the Enhanced Community Quarantine to foreign tourists in each destination, especially those in remote islands.

“The DOT is committed to working with all stakeholders, especially the LGUs and the inter-agency task force (IATF), in ensuring that the safety and the needs of our domestic and international tourists are addressed and resolved,” stated Tourism Secretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat.

Please visit the official Philippines travel advisory website for more updates.

