DOT goes on US roadshow to promote Cebu

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THE Department of Tourism (DOT) 7 is currently conducting a roadshow in four cities in the United States to lure more foreign tourists to come to Cebu via the Philippine Airlines’ (PAL) new direct link between Cebu and Los Angeles next month. The agency, together with three Cebu-based travel agencies and travel operators/representatives from Manila … Continue reading “DOT goes on US roadshow to promote Cebu”

THE Department of Tourism (DOT) 7 is currently conducting a roadshow in four cities in the United States to lure more foreign tourists to come to Cebu via the Philippine Airlines’ (PAL) new direct link between Cebu and Los Angeles next month.

The agency, together with three Cebu-based travel agencies and travel operators/representatives from Manila will market Cebu and the Philippines to Filipino communities and US nationals in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco from Jan. 29 to Feb. 6.